Category Archives: Business Plans

Are Your Employees Afraid to Return to Work?

May 24, 2021 | Business Plans, Uncategorized

If you have employees working from home, and you want to transition them back to the workplace as the economy picks up, you may find it’s harder than you once thought. For some employees, nervousness about remaining health risks is still a factor — especially for those who haven’t been vaccinated. Many Americans planned to  Continue Reading »

How Manufacturers Can Benefit from Blockchain Technology

May 10, 2021 | Business Plans

To succeed in the 21st century, manufacturers must embrace the latest technological innovations. As part of this trend, factories around the world are starting to use blockchain technology. Although the concept is shared by businesses in various industries, it’s particularly conducive to the manufacturing sector. What Is Blockchain? Blockchain is a database that relies on  Continue Reading »

Tax Breaks for Green Manufacturers

April 26, 2021 | Business Plans, Tax Planning

In recent years, energy-efficient tax breaks have enticed many manufacturers to “go green.” At the end of 2020, The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) was enacted, which includes various provisions that expand and improve certain green tax breaks. Here are five examples that could benefit your company. 1. Energy-Efficient Buildings Under prior law, a taxpayer could  Continue Reading »

Consider WARN Act Legalities If You Need to Lay Off Employees

December 7, 2020 | Business Plans, Financial Planning

As COVID cases spike to record-setting levels here in Maine and across the country, mass immunization likely months away and talks of financial relief still a work-in-progress at the federal level, many businesses in the state may be facing challenging times and difficult choices — including laying off employees. If your business finds itself in  Continue Reading »

Employee or Independent Contractor? The Rules May Be Getting Simpler.

November 23, 2020 | Business Plans

In this past election, voters in California approved legislation that allowed companies in the so-called “gig economy” to continue classifying their workers as independent contractors, opposed to employees. This issue isn’t exclusive to California, however, as the topic of classifying workers as independent contractors or employees has gained national attention, especially with the rise of  Continue Reading »

Does Insurance Cover COVID-Related Business Interruption Losses?

November 9, 2020 | Business Plans

Maine’s relatively low number of COVID-19 cases may have saved some business in Portland and throughout the state. But as cases look to be surging across the country and winter fast approaching, many businesses could be in for a challenging time. Small businesses across the country have already lost billions of dollars during the pandemic.  Continue Reading »

Is Your Company in Compliance with Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws?

September 14, 2020 | Business Plans

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be at the top of most employers minds, it’s important to not forget important employment laws and regulations. The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) is reminding employers to follow and be mindful of these major anti-discrimination laws as they work through these unprecedented times. Civil Rights Act The Civil  Continue Reading »

Employees Working at Home? Rethink Your Space Needs.

July 20, 2020 | Business Plans

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Maine and shut down most of the state, many companies who were able to have employees work from home did so. Even now, as offices in Portland and throughout Maine begin to welcome back workers, many companies are continuing to have employees work from home. If you currently have employees  Continue Reading »

Buying a Distressed Business

July 6, 2020 | Business Plans

As Maine enters what is traditionally its peak business season and the COVID-19 pandemic continues to engulf the country, some businesses around the state may be on the verge of bankruptcy or looking for a way out. While this certainly can cause stress for business owners, it can create opportunities for business investors. For those  Continue Reading »

Bill that Provides More PPP Flexibility Is Signed into Law

June 22, 2020 | Business Plans

In the wake of COVID-19, Congress acted quickly to help mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. Part of this action included the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was designed to help small businesses sustain operations and keep workers employed. While the program had good intentions and bipartisan support, the speed at which the legislation  Continue Reading »